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British Columbia's Trauma & Crime Scene Cleanup Specialists Since 1998

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Have Rats damaged your vehicle?

Have they made their way to your vehicle?

Rodents can cause serious damage to cars by chewing through wiring, hoses, and other components leading to mechanical problems and potential safety hazards, which can result in costly repairs and inconvenience for car owners.

Engine car damaged by rodents, even built a nest

The ban on second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) in British Columbia has had varying consequences. On the positive side, it has led to a decrease in the secondary poisoning of non-target wildlife and has improved environmental health by protecting ecosystems and reducing the impact on other wildlife that may consume poisoned rodents. However, there have also been negative consequences. The ban has resulted in an increase in rodent populations in some areas, which can lead to more damage to property and food sources. Additionally, pest control professionals are finding it more challenging to effectively manage rodent infestations without the use of these potent rodenticides, posing potential health and safety risks for humans.

In their pursuit of food and shelter, a vehicle can provide all those basic necessities. They may build nests in the engine compartment or interior of the vehicle, causing damage and potential fire hazard.

Rodents are attracted to soy-based wiring because it contains organic materials that can provide them with nutrients and insulation for their nests. Additionally, the soy-based materials may emit a scent that is attractive to rodents, leading them to chew on and potentially damage the wiring. Finally, rodents are naturally curious animals that will often investigate and chew on anything that they come across, including soy-based wiring in vehicles or buildings.

Additionally, the presence of rodents in or around a car can be unsanitary and unpleasant. Rodent damage is an age-old problem that some experts believe is becoming more prevalent as automakers utilize more plant-based biodegradable products in the manufacturing process. 

When airborne, rodent droppings can pose a hazard by potentially spreading infectious diseases such as hantavirus, salmonella, and rat-bite fever. These droppings can become airborne when disturbed, such as during cleaning or construction activities, allowing for easy inhalation of harmful pathogens. It is important to take proper precautions when dealing with rodent droppings to prevent any negative health effects. This may include wearing gloves, a mask, and using proper sanitation methods to clean the area thoroughly.

In their pursuit of food and shelter, a vehicle can provide all those basic necessities. They may build nests in the engine compartment or interior of the vehicle, causing damage and potential fire hazard.

Dealing with rodent vehicles? Check out our Body Shop Rodent Vehicle Assistant guide that offers a structured approach to handle these situations effectively. 

You’ve probably seen a mouse run across the floor of your current home at some point in your life. However, have you ever found a mouse in your car? This occurs more frequently than you might believe, and having a mouse in your automobile can cause serious damage that you do not want to deal with.

Where do rodents nest in cars?

It is possible for rodents to nest in a variety of locations within automobiles, as well as campers and trucks, which results in a potential risk for anyone who uses the vehicle. In spite of the fact that they are more likely to nest in automobiles that are not driven very frequently, they are able to enter any vehicle.

It is possible for nests to be located anywhere within the engine compartment. Some examples of possible locations include the region beneath the windshield wipers, the space between the battery and the frame, the engine air filter, and the vicinity or within the filter hoses and ducts of the vehicle’s passenger compartment air intake system (which includes ventilation, heating, and air conditioning), as well as the cabin compartment air filter.

There are other sections of the vehicle that could be inhabited by rodents, such as the trunk and the compartment for the spare tire, the passenger compartment, the tailgate and headlamp enclosures, and the rest of the passenger compartment. Rodents are able to enter through vents, ducting, and holes caused by corrosion.

Common areas where rodents are found in vehicles

Where do mice build nests in the engine of a car
Where do rodents build nests inside a car

How can 1st Trauma Scene Clean Up help

When a vehicle has been damaged by rodents, 1st Trauma Scene Clean Up can provide clean up services through ICBC, and third-party insurance that will typically follow a specific process to address the issue effectively. Here is a general outline of the steps involved:


Our service area is Greater Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.

We can provide cleanup at most secured locations provided there is easy to power and water, and the vehicle is at a easy-to-access location. 

We use HEPA filtered vacuums to remove loose debris. We then clean solid surfaces and use a hospital grade disinfectant to sanitize. 

|If a service request comes to us from an insurance provider we have the opportunity to bill them directly for our services. Saving you the hassle of paying for the service and then submitting receipts to your insurance provider. 

Further assessment of the insides of ducting may be warranted to determine if replacement of those parts is required. Depending on how they gained entry, rodents may have chewed through filters or other components of the ventilation system.  

Removal of the source of the offending odour is the first step. Further cleaning efforts, such as carpet extraction, may be required for fabrics. An ozone deodourization treatment can be performed as well to help remove lingering aromas. 

The length of time required changes from one situation to another. The amount of time pests were present, the severity of the contamination, body shop timelines for service and part sourcing all play a part in how long the process takes. 

If you have any questions or need further clarification on the clean up process, don’t hesitate to contact one of our team members at 604.598.8887, or by email at info@tscu.ca