24-Hour Emergency Response Vancouver 604.598.8887
Proudly Canadian Company

The risks of cleaning up blood by yourself in a crime scene

The risks of cleaning up blood by yourself in a crime scene

Why you should not clean up blood by yourself In the aftermath of a crime, cleaning up the scene might be the last thing on your mind. It is important to ensure that the scene is cleaned properly, especially if it involves blood. While it might have crossed your mind to clean the place yourself, […]

Why hire a crime scene cleanup company

Why hire a crime scene cleanup company

A crime scene cleanup is a task that is not only challenging but also emotionally and physically draining. Why the question of why hire a crime scene cleanup company becomes more obvious. The scene of a crime or traumatic incident is often contaminated with blood, bodily fluids, and other biohazardous materials that require professional cleaning. […]

The role of a trauma scene clean-up company

The role of a trauma scene clean-up company

After a traumatic event, cleaning up and disinfecting the area should only be provided by certified trauma scene clean-up technicians. These professionals can bring back the affected areas to full normalcy by performing the necessary decontamination, deodorization, and sanitization procedures. When cleaning up a trauma scene where an unattended death, suicide, or homicide occurred, our […]